Friday, April 6, 2007

South ExpresswayManila Bay View
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Science of Life

Simple things we do each day
is more than just a work or play
All these utilizes willed energy
either a push or a pull in life's sanity

The force exerted in all your plight
could either be just fight or flight
The power, then, that we exert to succeed
is equalled to one's own want or need

I, therefore, came to a conclusion just now
that life is not just a mere know-how
It's the power that you gather up inside
that'll surely make your obstacles collide

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Just awhile ago my ex-girlfriend sent me a message in friendster and, of course, tried to ask me how I was doing at the moment. Being dopey (as always) as I am, I fumbled at the thought that she remembered me and that she made a surpising effort to re-establish the communication that we have lost since the "dinosaur age" (dinosaur age is a word that I associate with the phrase "very long time ago"). My mind began to recollect vague memories that I have of her; her smile, her laugh, the way she jokes, grins and grasp my chin whenever she feels like cuddling and (ok, ok.. I'm getting a little bit overboard with this reminiscing) many others. Well, to cut the roundabout, I would like to say that during that instance I began to miss her! Perfectly normal if you ask me, but the thing is that I felt a little hope in my dumbfounded heart, thinking that we can go on a rebound of some sort (I can't believe I am writing this!). Absurd right?! I was already forecasting a sunny day without even looking at the satellite feed. It was very assuming of me, but this didn't happen just once, it happens to me all the time. This is maybe because I have this made-up syndrome that I've just recently termed as the "Ricochet Syndrome" wherein I began to feel things just because of an antecedent event. In this situation, the antecedent event is the message that she made and I woudn't feel such, if it weren't for the presence of the antecedent event (Oh my goodness, I sound like a theorist!). Anyway, this syndrome of mine have put me into trouble for numerous times already. My close friends would know this syndrome as my "go with the flow" philosophy in life (right bes?!). I depend my decision on the unveiling of the different events and not because I truly believe in my decision. This is, yet again, another scapegoat that I have from rejection. Who would want to be rejected from the first place, right?! But, unfortunately I move a notch higher than normal because I really depend my decision based from the unfolding of circumstances. I couldn't resist! Trash, right?! Well, that's the sad reality of it. That's why I am letting all of you know to serve as a warning from my sleazy personality.


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I was browsing through the web and I just thought that it would be nice if I'd know the current rankings of our fellow Filipinos in the World Pool scene. I was expecting that we would be on the top of the list since Efren "The Magician" Reyes and our other pool players are all over the place. But I found out the contrary! According to the World-Pool Billiard Association, clinching at the top of the list is Thorsten Hohmann from Germany, which was followed by fellow Germans like Thomas Engert and Ralf Souquet occupying the second (2nd) and third (3rd) spot respectively. Going down the list, the top Filipino contender was Ronnie Alcano who registered at number 29. Marlon Manalo trailed behind him in number 30 while our more celebrated billiards player lagged behind at numbers 36, 37 and 38. They were Dennis Orcollo (36), Francisco Bustamante (37) and Efren Reyes (38). This came out as a surprise for me! Other Filipinos who ranked are as follows:
  • Rodolfo Luat - 41
  • Alex Pagulayan - 54
  • Gandy Valle - 84
  • Jose Parica - 120
  • Jeff De Luna - 120
  • Elvis Calasang - 170
  • Warren Ciamco - 170
  • Lee Van Corteza - 170
  • Elmer Hoya - 170
  • Rudy Morta - 170
  • Jharome Peña - 170
  • Roberto Gomez - 201
  • Ramil Gallego - 201
  • Israel Rota - 263
  • Leonardo Andam - 263
  • Antonio Lining - 263
  • Eduardo Villanueva - 418
  • Roland Garcia - 418

I thought the list would never end, but fortunately it did.

I just learned that you would have to garner points from the world pool-billiard competitions that you have joined just to make it in the list. The corresponding points that you will garner depends on your performance on the competition. Well, unfortunately for our Filipino comrades they were outwitted by the number of exposures of those players at the top of the list.

But just the same, the pride that I have in my heart still lauds for our Filipino players. The shear number of Filipinos who made it in the list redeems the fact that no Filipino made it in the top 10. In whatever position they may be, Filipino players continues to be a force to reckon with in the world pool-billiard scene. So, what can I say, kudos for a job well-done and keep on making the Filipino people proud of you because I surely am!

for more information on the difference between RA and OA click this link:

Difference Between RA and OA

There are numerous types of arthritis (inflammtion within the joints) known to humans but the most common types are Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Being a healthcare practitioner and a son to both parents who suffer from the said diseases, I became more interested in looking for more information with regards to the difference of the two. RA being an autoimmune disorder (it means that your body's cellular defenses attack your own cells) is systemic in nature, which usually affects both pairs of joints. On the other hand, OA is a wear and tear type of arthritis, which means that mechanical forces applied within the joint is a prelude to the inflammtion that occurs afterwards (this signifies that obese and older individuals are more opt to have OA). To better understand their difference, here is a table that summarizes the difference between OA and RA:

CharacteristicRheumatoid arthritisOsteoarthritis
Age of onsetTypically 30 to 50 years old, but can appear from age 8 to 80Usually older than 55; rare before 40
Type of onsetRelatively rapid, over weeks to monthsSlow, over years
Location of affected jointsUsually small joints on both sides of the body (symmetric): wrists, knuckles, ankles, toes, and also shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and the neckUsually a few joints that may or may not be on both sides (asymmetric), though many joints may be affected, most commonly hips, knees, thumbs, and the fourth and fifth finger joints. Very rarely involves the wrists, ankles, or elbows unless there was preceding injury or stress to the joint.
Symptoms of arthritisSwelling, prolonged stiffness (hours)Swelling rarely occurs except in knees. Stiffness may be severe but is brief in duration (less than 30 minutes). Stiffness returns at the end of the day or after periods of activity.
Associated symptomsFrequent feelings of "being sick inside," with fevers, weight loss, or involvement of other organ systemsSymptoms occur in isolation, with no systemic symptoms.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Celebrities are icons of our societies. We even put them in pedestals that none could ever reach in their lifetime. But when celebrities succumb to common diseases or illnesses, they become human beings again, as if their illnesses brought them back to reality. They say that diseases are painful reminders that all of us are equal in the eyes of God. We could even regard it as the best equalizer! Well, with that in mind let’s see some of the celebrities / famous people here in the Philippines and abroad that was inflicted by these dreadful diseases. I hope you try to find meaning into what they have experienced.


*Eminem – victim of MUNCHAUSEN’S BY PROXY (also known as Fabricated / Induced Illness; wherein a person, usually a caregiver, fabricates a scenario of making others believe that the one that they are caring for is sick and needs immediate medical attention). Eminem self-confessed this is in his song entitled “Cleaning out My Closet.” It was his mother that had Munchausen’s by Proxy.

*Ronald Reagan – Former President of the United States of America. Had Alzheimer’s Disease (this is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the patient’s Activities of Daily Living (ADLs); usual signs and symptoms include memory loss, speech and learning difficulties)

*Christopher Reeve – the original Superman (even Superman was not indestructible). Had a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) after having a bad fall from a horse’s back. This rendered him paralyzed and bound in the wheelchair until his death.

*Lou Gehrig – a famous New York Yankee Baseball player was inflicted by Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The disease was named after him after his death in 1941 to commemorate his struggle from the illness and for making the world understand more about ALS. ALS is now commonly known as Lou Gehrig Disease (this disease causes motor impairment)

*Michael J. Fox – Parkinson’s Disease (a degenerative disorder that affects movements). Fox is the star of Back to the Future and other well-celebrated movies.

CANCER / NEOPLASMS (The Big “C” as they call it)

*Evita Peron – The “Imelda Marcos” of Latin America (Argentina to be exact). Remember Madonna’s “Don’t Cry for me Argentina”? Yes, Madonna portrayed her. She was struck by Cervical Cancer (underwent Hysterectomy for this. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus.). This led to her demise in the year 1952.


*Eleanor Roosevelt – Wife of Theodore Roosevelt, a former President of the United States of America. She was diagnosed to have Aplastic Anemia, which is a form of anemia (this means that her body is not producing enough Red Blood Cells that supplies Oxygen to tissues and cells in our body). This condition rendered her more susceptible to Tuberculosis of the Bone Marrow, which she acquired and made her prognosis from bad to worse.

*Manuel L. Quezon – Our very own President. He was inflicted by Tuberculosis which led to his death in the year 1944, just a year away from Philippine Independence, which he has been constantly fighting for throughout his lifetime. Quezon Institute, which is one of the leading institutions for the treatment of Tuberculosis here in the Philippines, was named after him to commemorate his struggle for the said disease. Tuberculosis continues to be one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in our country.
(This is an original composition. It's still not yet finished due to time constraints.)



Joker Arroyo
----> "The People's Dragon! 'Pag Bad Ka Lagot Ka"
Francis Escudero
----> "Boses Mo sa Senado!"
Michael Defensor
----> "'Panalo ka Pilipino, Panalo ka Tol, Mike Defensor!" (Nyaha!)
Edgardo Angara
----> "Ang Gara ng Buhay!"
Prospero Pichay
----> "Itanim sa Senado!"
Ralph Recto
----> "Go Recto!"
Manuel Villar
--->Sipag at Tiyaga
Alan Peter Cayetano
----> "Ito ang Gusto ko!"
Francis Pangilinan
--->K na K
Loren Legarda
----> "No. 1 sa Senado!"
Sonia Roco
Remeber that your vote means a lot to our nation. It could mean better economy, more jobs, more schools and books, cheaper medicines, better medical services and many others! So, it could mean a better life for all of us in general. I just hope and pray that in the future elections to come we have better candidates to choose from specially in the Presidential race. (I hope my plight is seconded and answered)


SA SANDALING AKO'Y YUMAMAN, bukod sa pagtulong sa mga taong nais kong tulungan (lalo na ang ating mga kapatid na lubos na nangangailangan) ay nais ko rin gawin ang mga sumusunod:

*Magkaroon ng mga magagarang kotse (Porsche 9-11, Mazda Miata at McLaren F1)

*Sumakay sa F22 Raptor (Karamihan kasi gusto sumakay sa Space Shuttle, kaya Jet Plane na lang pinili ko)

*Magmay-ari ng isang Submersible (Gusto kong sisirin ang Philippine at Marianas Trench)

*Pondohan ang isang makabuluhang pananaliksik upang ma-discubre ang "Universal Cure for Cancer" (Mukhang imposible, ngunit 'di naman masama mangarap, lalo na kung ito'y makakabuti sa sangkatauhan)

*Mamili sa pinakamalaking "mall" sa buong mundo (Kung tama ang aking pagkakatanda, ito ay nasa Edmonton, Canada)

*Magkaroon ng sariling "State-of-the-Art Theatre Room"

*Lumibot sa buong mundo (Umakyat ng Mt.Everest at magkaroon ng larawan kasama ang Pyramids of Giza, Banaue Rice Terraces, Mayan and Aztec Pyramids, Great Wall of China at iba pang magagandang tanawin)

*Makakita at makakilala ng isang totoong Shaolin Monk sa China

*Lumangoy kasama ang mga "dolphins" at iba pang mga nilikha sa karagatan

*Pondohan ang pagpapatayo ng tatlong bagong Gusali sa PLM (papangalanan ko itong Gusaling Luzon, Gusaling Visayas at Gusaling Mindanao) -- O kahit anong pangalan basta 'wag lang ipangalan sa mga dating mayor ng Maynila (hehe)!

Ito ay mga pangarap lamang. Ngunit 'di ko pa rin ipagpapalit ang kalusugan at kasiyahan ng aking pamilya sa lahat ng salapi at kayamanan sa buong mundo. Tska nga pala ito ay makakamit ko lamang kapag "filthy rich" na ako! HAHA (tska pwede pa rin 'tong mabawasan at madagdagan ayon sa aking ninanais)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ang Araw ng Pagtatapos ay simbolo ng "Bagong Simula" sa iyong buhay. Bagama't pansamantalang mahihiwalay ka sa iyong mga kaibigan, mga guro at ang institusyong humubog sa'yo, sigurado namang mayroong mas kapana-panabik na hinaharap ang iyong matutunghayan. 'Di mo man lubos maisip kung bakit kailangan lahat matapos, may mga 'di kanais-nais ngunit karamihan nama'y masasayang alaala na dapat na iyong tangan-tangan sa pagharap sa bagong bukas. Ngayon at humaharap ka sa isa na namang bagong hamon ng iyong buhay, 'di mo maiwasang isipin ang nakaraan na sana'y iyong mas pinahalagahan pa. Nawa'y sa ating tuluyang paglisan sa ating nakaraan ay mas maiguhit natin ng maganda ang hinaharap na ating tinatamasa!


Just to make it easier for you, bring the following credentials to the Personnel / Human Resources / Nursing Services Divisions of the following institutions:

(1) Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) - Taft Ave., Manila
*Accomplished Dean's form (get this form in DNRD and pay 10Php in the Cashier of PGH)
*Transcript of Records (TOR)
*Board Rating with breakdown
*Related Learning Experience (RLE)
*Resume with 2x2 picture (black&white)
*Certification from previous employment (if any)
*PRC License, current (if still not available, photocopy of your claim stub)
*PNA membership
{Place the above documents in a BIG BROWN envelope and submit to the DNRD during office hours (MON-FRI, 0700-1530H}
{Submit ORIGINAL COPIES} --certified true copies will not be accepted

(2) Makati Medical Center (MMC)
*Comprehensive Resume w/ 2x2 recent picture
*Certificate of Good Moral Character
*BSN Diploma
*Transcript of Records (TOR)
*Certificate of Board Rating
*PRC License, current (if still not available, photocopy of your claim stub)
*Board Certificate
*Birth Certificate (new update 2 mga peepz, sbi ni Jerico.. nung ngpasa kc kmi dati d n kailangan)
NOTE: Photocopy all of the above documents but bring the Original Copies for verification. Come in formal attire at the Nursing Services Division 9th floor Mezzanine of MMC from 8:00 AM-12:00 NN only (May Hiring)

(3) Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center (OMMC) - Quirino Ave.,Manila
..........VOLUNTEER NURSE...............
*Letter of Intent addressed to: Hospital Director, Dr. Christina S. Padolina Thru: Mrs. Asuncion C. Balisado, Chief Nurse
*Credentials (Photocopy)
NOTE: To be submitted at Chief Nurse Office - Room 8

(4) Medical City
Photocopy of the following:
*Transcript of Records (TOR)
*BSN Diploma
*Board Rating
NOTE: Submit the photocopy of the following documents at the HR Division of Medical City - Lower Ground Floor

(5) Philippine Heart Center
*Transcript of Records with RLE (Original)
*Certificate of Class Ranking with Gen. Weighted Ave.
*Certificate of Board Rating (2 copies)
*PRC License (2 copies)
*Certificate of Work Experience and Trainings
*Membership in any Organization
*NBI Clearance
*Residence Certificate
*2x2 Picture (3 pieces)

(6) University of Sto. Tomas Hospital
*Application Letter addressed Mr.Ferdinand C. Magkasi (Head of Human Resource Department)
*Transcript of Records
*Certificate of Board Rating
*PRC License (if still not available, photocopy of your claim stub)
NOTE: All above documents should be original. Place all of the documents in a Long Green Expandable Folder with Plastic Fastener.

(7) Metropolitan Hospital
*Application Letter addressed to the Nursing Service of Metropolitan Hospital
*2 pcs. 2x2 Picture
*2 pcs. 1x1 Picture
*PRC License (or Claim Stub)
*Certificate of Board Rating
*Transcript of Records (TOR)
*BSN Diploma
*Good Moral Character
*Certificate of Employment, if any

(8) Manila Health Department
*Application Letter addressed to Dr. Jose M. Baranda (OIC Central Health Office, Manila)
*Other Credentials (like BSN Diploma, TOR, Certificate of Board Rating) any available documents relevant to your application
*Recommendation Letter (from any Brgy.Chairman in Manila) and Barangay Certificate from any Barangay within Manila
NOTE: Provide 2 copies of the Application Letter (Cover Letter) and follow-up your application in the Records Division (Look for Arlene at 5270915) after 1-2 weeks of submitting the requirements

(9) Asian Hospital
*Comprehensive Resume
*Transcript of Records
*BSN Diploma
*PRC License
*IV License
*Basic Life Support
*Certificate of Board Rating
*Related Learning Experience
*3 Referral Letters (If newly registered, referral letters coming from the college)
*Training Certificates
*Employment Certificates
*If newly graduated, Certificate of Good Moral Character

(10) MILITARY NURSE (Nurse Corps, Reserve Force)
*Appropriate clearance (NAC) from DCS Intel (AFP)
---> Supporting papers to above clearance:
a.) NBI clearance (4 copies)
b.) PNP clearance (4 copies)
c.) Police clearance (4 copies)
d.) CFI or RTC (4 copies)
e.) Barangay Clearance (4 copies)
f.) 2x2 Picture (1 copy)
g.) Resident Certificate (1 copy)
h.) Mayor's Clearance (4 copies)
*Physical Exam report (AFP)
*Application form to be given only after Physical Exam
*TJAG Affidavit
*ROTC Cert (for Male only) - 4 copies
*College Diploma (1 copy)
*Board Examiners Cert. (4 copies)
*Postcard size picture whole body in white uniform (4 copies)
*Birth Certificate (4 copies) or:
a.)Cert from local civil registrar
b.)Affidavit of two (2) persons having knowledge of your date of birth
a.) Long folder - 1
b.) Long brown envelope - 1
c.) Fastener - 1
d.) 1 self-addressed envelope with stamp
*Transcript of Recors

(11) Caloocan General Hospital
NOTE: This list is still incomplete. I will change this as soon as my contact gives me the complete list of requirements.
*Comprehensive Resume
*Birth Certificate
*Related Learning Experience (RLE)
*BSN Diploma
*Transcript of Records
*PRC License
*Tax Identification Number (TIN)

(12) Manila Doctors Hospital
*PRC License
*Certificate of Board Rating
*BSN Diploma
*Transcript of Records
*1pc. 2x2 picture

If there are any discrepancies in the above listed requirements feel free to give me a message or post a comment. This is to ensure accuracy.
I hope this will help you in your application. God bless!

Community Immersion Program (CIP)

"This place is wretched" that was once I said
But in the corner of my mind I'm saying "I must be contented"
For I must not look on the experiences' superficiality
But rather, in the core of the people and it's accompanying beauty
The first week was plain
Nobody's to be blamed
It was full of unfamiliar faces
I exclaimed, "I'd rather be here than other unthinkable places"
We were not sure what to do
Our lives turning into blue
But we don't have much choice
We haven't got any hoist
But days flew by so swiftly
I don't know what's gotten into me
I am making new friends and acquaintances now
Though I'm not quite sure why and how
The community people were warm
They didn't do us any harm
In fact, I've learned to live and share
And all of the uncertainties a person could bear
I've hurdled the difficulties of laundering
My mother until now is wondering
"It was a different experience for me," I must admit
But its becoming an experience that I must, in the end, commit!
But it was not at all easy
I became, most of the time, wheezy
This is because of our everyday walking
And not to mention our endless project making
This difficulties seem easier to digest
I think it might have bring out my very best
My foster family is becoming my TRUE FAMILY
Laughing, sharing, eating and story telling were becoming a hobby
Although language barrier made it more complex
But it was not a problem that I couldn't, in the end, flex
Extreme sun and wind was not at all a problem
Our usual drinking sessions might have brought a slight mayhem
Every night was extreme as stars shine upon the community
This were times of flaunting a person's character nudity
It was a mixture of sober,alcohol and extreme mounds
But keep quiet, I'm telling you, this is not allowed!
I'm fast becoming attuned to this experience
This increases the importance of my existence
Now, I know that I truly belong here
This totally erased my previous doubts and fear
Those strangers were turned into friends
Difficulties and problems were all finished and mended
But there's still one problem, I thought!
A solution must be swiftly sought
How can I say goodbye to them without tears in my eyes?
All I could reply are numerous and troubling sighs
The day of reckoning came and tears trickled down my cheek
I never thought goodbyes would make me so sober and meek
It was already a year now since we came to Nambalan
I reminisced and cherished it, it was very hard to keep
I'm planning my career as a nurse at present
But this experience is hard to comprehend
It has given me both lasting friends and memories
Maybe until I age beyond my seventies